How to Make a Miniature Fishing Pole | Lush LIttle Landscapes

A Fishing Pole for Your Beach or Lake Miniature Garden

It’s the accessories that make the garden. What your beach or lake miniature garden vacation needs is a little R&R and some time spent fishing!

  1. Cut a wood skewer to length (4″-5″). I started with a broken cocktail umbrella handle which is essentially a long toothpick.
  2. Paint with acrylic paints. Look at life-sized fishing poles for color inspiration. I decided upon a black pole and a cork-like handle. I laid the paint on thicker and a bit rough for the handle so it looks like cork. You can also wrap it with tape first to build up a little more bulk.
  3. Now you need the loop guides for the fishing line. I used some thin wire and wrapped it around the pole, crimping it tightly as I went. After going around 1-1/2 times, I used another thin dowel to twist the wire in the other direction around the dowel. And then wrapped it back onto my miniature fishing pole another 1-1/2 times. I did that 4 times up the pole, evenly spaced. You can use a drop of glue to keep each wire-wrapped guide securely in place.How to Make Miniature Fishing Pole Guides | Lush Little Landscapes
  4. Now I needed a reel. Again, look at life-sized poles for inspiration – there are a lot of different types of reels. This could be created from buttons glued together and then glued to the pole. I made mine from a bead that I glued to my pole.
  5. I bent a hook from the same wire I used for my guides. It would be fun to add a bit of fluff and create a lure.
  6. Use sewing thread (or thin fishing lure) for the line. Glue it to the reel and tie it to the hook. (You can dab a bit of glue on the knot so it doesn’t come undone.)

Now, Go fish!

How to Make a Miniature Fishing Pole | Lush Little Landscapes

How to make a miniature fishing pole | Lush Little Landscapes


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